There are increasing amounts of versions of Throwback Thursday (#tbt) around the internet. There are even a few in book blogs, but none of their rules fit for me well enough. Thus I'm starting my own version.
1. Pick a book, trend, character, book related item, or so on...
2. The thing you pick has to be at least 3 years old to you (i.e. the thing can still exist new to others, but when you discovered it, it was 3 or more years ago).
3. Review, give a synopsis, trash it, explain to us how it made you cry and hug your dog, whatever! Just express the old.
4. Link back here to spread the word!
It truly is that simple. I'm thinking it'll be once a week meme (as long as I can keep it up). I'm going to try to set up a link-me type thing to each post, but I don't know how yet, so for now leave a comment with your blog name/link.
So here's the first one:
In 2010 I discovered the wonder that is, and I'm not sure how I lived without it before. It's like Netflix, but for books (and without the ability to stream books, but we're not going to split hairs).
Since the day I joined I've read roughly 260 books, and marked 551 books to-read.
The feature I love the most is the ability to scan a book's barcode from my smart phone and save it as a book I want to read in the future. When you work at a library (like I do), you learn quickly that you can't take out every book that looks interesting every shift. This gave me a better way than saving check-out receipts for books I never got around to reading before they had to go back.
My second favorite is the basic ability to put in what books you've read and rate. I would say this would be convenient in the future when I won't remember what I've read, but I already have that problem! So Goodreads to the rescue.
Are you all on Goodreads? You can find my profile through my "Reading Challenge" link on the sidebar.