Monday, August 12, 2013

If You Had to Choose, My Opinion

While looking through the blogs I follow I found a recent post that posed the question:

Which would you choose if you could only read or write (not both), for the rest of your life?

An impossible question for many, especially authors, yes?  Well I decide I would try to answer it.


A few years ago (way back in my high school days), I would have answered writing without any problem.  At that point I lived to write and without it I don't know if I would have managed to get through those years.  I would always have a notebook on me to record my thoughts, poems, short stories, random sayings that would come to me; anything really.

Now I have had writer's block for at least the last 3-ish years.  It's been pretty brutal, but I'm used to it now.  So now I guess I would have to choose reading as my "couldn't live without" because it's my escape from today's pressures.  And after all I can still make up words, worlds, and dreams in my head.  They don't have to be on paper to prove or show to anyone.

This question was originally answered by Steph Su, and I loved her answer.  I highly recommend checking it out.

And share your answer to the question!  I'd love to hear your reasons for choosing one over the other.

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